Course 3: Writing and Publishing Your Research Paper
Goals of the research course?
- Rules of scientific writing
- How to write your paper
- How to find suitable journal
- How to publish/present your research
- How to avoid predatory journals / conferences
Dr. Muhammed Elhadi, MBBCh – Faculty of Medicine, University of Tripoli

In this course, you will learn the basic principles to consider during scientific writing. The course starts with an introductory section for basic concepts of writing, tips and tricks, and how to start writing your first paper. The course will also explain how to use Endnote to make references and major points to consider during referencing. Then the course will start with preparing the original manuscript: preparing tables and figures, writing results, writing method section, writing introduction and discussion. The course will also explain how to use reporting guidelines according to EQUATOR. Additionally, the course will explain how to write an abstract and prepare it for an international conference presentation. The course will also specific types of publications such as review articles, letter to editor, and case report. The course will also demonstrate writing and publishing-related issues. Finally, the course will help you to prepare your paper for submission and publication, how to format your paper, how to find a suitable journal and how to avoid predatory journal, how to respond to reviewers comments, how to submit your abstract for international conferences and how to avoid predatory conferences.
Course Duration
Approx. 1 months
Course Price
240 LYD / 60$
Course Level
Course Description
By the end of the course, you will learn:
Introduction to academic writing
- IMRaD structure
- Basic principles to consider during writing
- Punctuation uses in scientific writing
- Paragraph structure
- Steps in writing a paper
Referencing using Endnote
- Reference (how to find suitable references)
- How to use Endnote
- Checking Reference
Writing Original Manuscript
- Preparing Tables and Figures
- Writing results (statistical tests are explained in the statistical course)
- Writing method sections
- Reporting guidelines for main study types according to EQUATOR
- Writing introduction
- Discussion writing
- How to write abstract/summary
Writing other types of publications
- Review articles
- Letter to editor/correspondence
- Case reports
Scientific Writing Issues
- Authorship and ICMJE guidelines
- Conflicts of Interest/copyright transform forms.
- Issues in scientific writing (plagiarism, ghostwriting, reproducibility of research)
Preparing manuscript and abstract
- How to format and prepare your manuscript for publications
- How to select a suitable journal for your research
- How to submit your research to international conferences
- How to prepare conference presentations (poster and oral presentation)
- Reviewing process and comments
- How to write a cover letter for journal submission
- How to detect predatory journals?
Key Features
Final Exam
Completion certificate
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