4 Research Courses Package
What it is included?
- Course 1: Clinical Research Basic Skills Course
- Course 2: Medical Statistics using SPSS
- Course 3: Writing and Publishing Your Research Paper
- Course 4: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Dr. Muhammed Elhadi, MBBCh – Faculty of Medicine, University of Tripoli

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Course Details
Course Duration
Approx. 3 months
Course Price
850 LYD / 220$
Course Level
Beginner to Advanced
Course Description
The package contains the following courses:
Course 1: Clinical Research Basic Skills Course
- Introduction about the course
- Introduction to clinical research and benefits of clinical research
- Steps of clinical research
- How to develop a research idea and hypothesis
- How to test your idea or hypothesis
- Clinical research ethical/legal issues
- Search in the Literature
Protocol / Proposal Writing
- Writing proposal/protocol for your research
Study Design
- Introduction to Study Designs
- Case reports and case series
- Cross-sectional studies
- Case-control studies
- Cohort studies
- Clinical trials
- Diagnostic accuracy studies
How to develop quessionnaire / case report form
- How to find data for your research idea + (sources for free available data) *
- How to develop a questionnaire for your study using Epi Info/Microsoft Word *
- How to translate a questionnaire and validate it*
Data collection / Type of Bias / Errors
- Pilot study concepts
- Data collection procedure *
- Type of bias and errors
Sample size calculation
- Principle concepts of sample size and power calculation 1
- Principle concepts of sample size and power calculation 2
- Description and application of sample size *
- Sample size calculation for:
– Population survey *
– Case-control studies *
– Cohort studies * - Other ways of sample size calculation based on other factors *
Course 2: Medical Statistics using SPSS
Introduction to biostatistics
- Introduction to biostatistics
- Types of variables
- Principle of descriptive statistics
- Measure of central tendency and variance
- Null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis
- P-value and Confidence interval
Introduction to SPSS / Data Cleaning Skills
- Creating a New File / Opening a File
- Entering data in SPSS and create variables
- Simple Descriptive statistics / mean/median/mode score
- Data Cleaning / Creating Dummy Variable
- Selecting Cases
- Splitting a File
- Calculating a total score
- Creating an ID variable
- Recoding a continuous to an ordinal variable
- Recoding a continuous to a dichotomous variable
- How to deal with missing data
Assumptions / Difference Between Parametric and Non-Parametric Test
- Testing for Normality
- Parametric Test and Non-Parametric Test 1
- Parametric Test and Non-Parametric Test 2
Charts & Graphs
- Bar charts
- Line graphs
- Area charts
- Pie charts
- Scatter & dot plots
- Histograms
- Population Pyramid
- Boxplots
Associations Tests
- Fisher’s exact test (2 x 2 Independence)
- Chi-square test of association
- Relative risk (2 x 2)
- Odds ratio (2 x 2)
- Pearson’s correlation
- Spearman’s correlation
- Kendall’s tau-b
Differences between groups
- Independent-samples t-test
- Paired-samples t-test
- Mann-Whitney U test
- One-way ANOVA
- Kruskal-Wallis H test
- Wilcoxon signed-rank test
Survival analysis
- Kaplan-Meier
- Cox-Regression Analysis
- Cronbach’s alpha
- Cohen’s kappa
Predictions Tests
- Linear regression
- Multiple regression
- Binomial logistic regression
Course 3: Writing and Publishing Your Research Paper
Introduction to academic writing
- IMRaD structure
- Basic principles to consider during writing
- Punctuation uses in scientific writing *
- Paragraph structure
- Steps in writing a paper
Referencing using Endnote
- Reference (how to find suitable references)
- How to use Endnote *
- Checking Reference
Writing Original Manuscript
- Preparing Tables and Figures
- Writing results (statistical tests are explained in the statistical course) *
- Writing method sections *
- Reporting guidelines for main study types according to EQUATOR
- Writing introduction *
- Discussion writing *
- How to write abstract/summary *
Writing other types of publications
- Review articles
- Letter to editor / correspondence
- Case reports
Scientific Writing Issues
- Authorship and ICMJE guidelines
- Conflicts of Interest/copyright transform forms.
- Issues in scientific writing (plagiarism, ghostwriting, reproducibility of research)
Preparing manuscript and abstract
- How to format and prepare your manuscript for publications *
- How to select a suitable journal for your research
- How to submit your research to international conferences *
- How to prepare conference presentations (poster and oral presentation) *
- Reviewing process and comments*
- How to write a cover letter for journal submission *
- How to detect predatory journals?
Course 4: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- Introduction to Systemic reviews and meta-analysis
- The shift from narrative reviews to systematic reviews
- Main steps of systemic reviews and meta-analysis
- Formulate research question and ensure originality of your idea (PICO)
- Developing criteria for systemic review
- Prisma Statement 2020
Preparing protocol and search strategy
- Writing protocol and registering the protocol in PROSPERO
- How to develop search terms for each database
- Searching in literature and scientific databases
- Search in Pubmed
- Search in Scopus
- Search in Embase and Medline (OVID)
- Search in VHL
- Search in Cochrane Library
- Search in Web of Science
- Search in ClinicalTrials.gov
- Search in New York Academy of Medicine (NYAM)
- Search in System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe (SIGLE)
- Search in Google Scholar
- Search in CINAHL
- Extract search results using Endnote and Removing Duplicates
- PRISMA – Flow Diagram
Screening and Extraction and Quality Assessment
- Introduction to Screening & Extraction
- Initial Screening and identifying eligible articles for inclusion
- Full text download
- Full text screening
- How to develop extraction sheet
- How to extract data
- Quality assessment of studies
- Quality assessment of RCTs by Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool (ROB 2)
- Quality assessment of non-randomized studies of interventions by ROBINS
- Quality assessment of observational studies by Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS)
- Manual searching
- Baseline Characteristics Table
- Data Cleaning Before Doing Analysis
- Some calculations for missing or non-reported data
Introduction to Meta-Analysis
- Introduction to Meta-analysis
- Some Definitions
- Interpretation of forest plots
- How to choose an effect‐size index
- Effect Sizes Based on Means
- Effect Sizes Based on Binary Data
- Effect Sizes Based on Prevalence
- Fixed-effect and random-effects models
- Heterogeneity
- I2
Publication Bias
- Publication bias
Advanced Meta-analysis
- Subgroup analysis
- Sensitivity analysis
- Meta-regression analysis technique: concept, procedures, and interpretation
Writing Up
How to write and prepare a systemic review and meta-analysis paper
Key Features
Final Exam
Completion certificate
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