Your Guide for post-graduation pathways

We provide you with our great comprehensive guide for your post-graduation pathways starting from orienting you to the path that you may be interested in, reaching to consultations, and assessing your score in your path. All in One place, based on the last guidelines and recommendations, Palestinian experts, last surveys, and studies.

Our Tools

Your best free comprehensive guide for post-graduation pathways.

Post-Graduation Orientation program

A series of brief interviews with our speakers to point out the major points of each pathway. The program aims to address the main points and questions about each pathway

Step by step articles

Our free articles will tell you everything you need to know. Trusted information that has been reviewed by physicians who have gone all the way through the experience.

One-to-One consultation meeting

One-to-one consultation meetings for students who are interested in a specific pathway but have specific concerns or want to get to know more specific information from a point of experience.

Self-Assessment Scoring Guidance for Candidates Application

It will provide you with the details, score, and eligibility criteria of the residency programs, description, and the mandatory evidence required to award points in each domain.

Professional career service

A group of career services about CV, personal statements, and cover letters including a series of articles, free examples​​, templates, and writing, editing, and reviewing services.

Mentorship program

To monitor the students and fresh graduates individually regarding their post-graduation pathway to provide a support system for the students who want the help of someone has been in their shoes.


High quality PLAB teaching courses by expert doctors and previous GMC PLAB examiner.

Our distinctive features


Through informative posts, courses, meetings, and various tools that are reviewed by specialized physicians who are prosperous in their fields, we build comprehensive programs to gather all the needs in one place to make medical students aware of post graduation requirements, needed steps, challenges and be able to have them all prepared on time.

Our sources

Our sources are based on the last guidelines and recommendations of the concerned sectors, hospitals, and universities, Palestinian experts, last surveys, and studies.


MD Guidance is a group of medical students and physicians who aims to prepare medical students voluntary with the required knowledge and skills for their medical career both through and after their study.

Physicians Experience

Our speakers are Palestinian experts who have gone through all the journey. They will provide you with professional help and guidance. We have program directors, consultants, and residents.


Gaza, Gaza strip, Palestine


Open Hours:

Always open