Systematic Review Summer Camp Scholarships, New

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Systematic Review Summer Camp Scholarships, Register from here in addition to your enrollment through our website (Enroll button).
Systematic Review Summer Camp Scholarships
500$ summer camp is now free under a scholarship program, for just a limited number of selected talented applicants.
What’s the Catch?
Normally valued at $500, this comprehensive scientific review course is your gateway to mastering essential concepts, refining your skills, and advancing your understanding of the scientific realm. But here’s the twist – we believe in nurturing and empowering the brightest minds. That’s why we’re handpicking a limited number of exceptional applicants to grant them this course under a scholarship program.
Aim: This summer camp provides an introduction and deep illustration of systematic reviews, and targets medical students and clinicians who want to understand how to use and conduct a systematic review in their practice. It covers the basic concepts of a systematic review and a meta-analysis, how to critically read and appraise the quality of a systematic review, search strategies, interpret the results of a systematic review, and how to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis.
We will provide full scholarships for the 36 applicants who will be selected in this camp in this program.
The camp will focus on providing theoretical sessions and practical parts. The total number of participants will be divided into 6 groups, each group will have 8 and will work on a systemic research project step by step alongside the theoretical sessions. Following each theoretical session, a practical step/task will be asked so the group has to work on it to achieve the required progress in the project. Then a seminar session will be held within the next 2 weeks to follow up on the practical part and handle any related inquiries. The seminar is different from the theoretical session.
Practical part:
The applicants will be divided into 6 groups. They will work step by step alongside the theoretical part. By the end of the programs, the 6 groups will be able to publish the systemic review programs they worked on through the camp period. Following-up and monitoring will be done in each seminar.
A leader for each group will be selected based on the research, publication, and leadership experiences. An authorship agreement will be made at the first. It will demonstrate the roles of every team member. Commitment is so important and required.
Selection criteria:
– Motivation letter
– Systemic review projects ideas
– Education level: medical year 4 and above, intern doctors, Juniors.
– Attending the open lecture is critical to be accepted into the program.
– Past experience is preferred
– Publication experience
Duration: Expected duration 3-6 months
Required commitment time: 2 days per week is the commitment,
The number of sessions: 16, 8 are theoretical sessions and 8 are seminars.
Frequency: 1 session every 2 weeks and 1 seminar every 2 weeks.
Note; Attending the introduction session is a criterion to be accepted in the camp. For the introduction session, register from here:
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