Our Reviewers
Dr. Tamer EL Nakhal
Vascular resident at Leicester University, UK.
Work in the clinical field enhanced with a bit if research in areas of surgery and innovation. I have expertise in writing and pre-senting.

Dr. Marwa Hamdan
GMC registered Doctor
Core Medical Trainee @Sheffield Teaching NHS Hospitals
Chevening Awardee 2018/2019. MSc Child and Adolescent Mental health, King’s college London
Saïd Foundation Awardee 2017/2018, Msc Psychiatric Research, King’s college London
Dr. Khalil Elkahlout
MD Resident
ENT R 2 Al-Shifa medical complex
MBBS Kassal University, Sudan 2016

Dr. Khaled M. Shatat
R4 Resident Doctor
Orthopedic surgery & Traumatology Dept.
Istanbul Ümraniye Training & Research Hospital
University of Health Sciences
Istanbul- Turkey
2016: License of medical doctor in Rep. of Turkey
Dr. Reem M AlAila
Arab, Jordanian and Palestinian board in Internal Medicine.
Internal Medicine specialist at Indonesian Hospital
Former Internal Medicine Resident at Islamic Hospital-Amman

Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed Aburiash
German Board of Neurosurgery European Board in Neurological Surgery.
Certification of the German Society for Spine Surgery (Deutsche Wirbelsäulengesellschaft).

Dr. Anas Ismail
Joint Chevening and Said Foundation scholar 2020-2021
MSc Global Health with Conflict and Security from King’s College London.
Clinical attachments in Jordan, Norway, and Italy
Dr. Bisan shweiki
Dr. Bisan shweiki, who graduated with bachelor of medicine from al Quds university, and now she is a third year internal medicine resident at the university of Toronto, Canda.

Dr. Hammam Sadqa
Dr. Hamam graduated with bachelor in medicine and general surgery from Kuban university in Russia, and works a resident in general surgery in Tula city in Russia.
- Our reviewers are doctors who experienced this life-related experience, live there, or be updated with related information. For example, for the elective opportunities, our reviewer experienced 4 elective courses and delivered many sessions to guide medical students. Please recheck our reviewer’s page to get to know more about our reviewers.
- Each written article is reviewed by the related reviewer, to check for any missed information, mistakes, updates, or new changes, thus to be updated by our content writers.
- From Palestinian to Palestinian Content: A content that is specified for Palestinian medical students from Palestinian students and doctors. We target the Palestinian medical students mainly, as our articles are based on Palestinian medical students’ experiences. We will work to target the medical students in other countries Inshallah.
- It comes in our Plans: Not only about our current content, but we also aim to extend our spaces, to include paid courses, and “meet your mentor” meetings, to have a more flexible space for you, where you will be guided by our advice and recommendations.
We have:
- Comprehensive Content: Our content include the most needed knowledge through and after our medical study, provided in a professional way. Post-Graduation pathways , Elective and Exchange students, SAÏD & Chevening Scholarship , Soft skills, Scientific research and Internship are our targeted content.
- All in one Place: Our content contains many very important fields, you will find all in one place. Organized, easy access and reliable information!