Written by: Mohammed Alkahlout, Reviewed by: Dr.Khaled Shatat, Edited by: Majed Jaber
Now that you are in Turkey, and do not know what exactly to do. Do not worry, we will guide you through the process step by step.

Medical residency permit in Turkey
Before anything, you have to book a visa appointment which can be done online or through the offices in Istanbul such as the almanac office.

There are five documents you need to get your residency:
1- Residence permit application form (you get it when visiting one of the residency permit offices)
2- A copy of the first page of your passport, in addition to a copy of your Turkish visa.
3- Four Photographs with white background
4- Your health insurance
5- A copy of your translated passport to Turkish
6- A lease certified from the “noter” (noters are offices subordinate to the Turkish government and certify different kinds of documents)
The last three documents are obtained through one of the offices specialized in residency permit work.
This paperwork process should not take much time. When you get all your documents, you go to your residency interview and pay approximately 80 dollars per year as residency fees. It will take you from two weeks to two months to get your residency.
Of course, during this time we will not sit and wait. We will go to the next step.
Also, Need to mention the expected period to start a residency program from the onset of arrival to Turkey. At least 2 years will last this process once you pass the exams for the first time successfully. Take care that these exams are done 2 times only in a year. In addition, there are many friends who came to Turkey to start residency here but due to the COVID 19, their paperwork has lasted too long in the Turkish higher ministry of education. So, we have to take care of that.
Neet to explain about residency programs here. It is very hard starting every day at 7:00 AM with an inpatient round. Then at 8:00 AM, every resident goes to his or her department, outpatient clinic, emergency room, operation room … etc. At 16:00 PM, preduty round is done again. Duty residents continue to the next day.
Turkish language

The Turkish language is difficult but you have to take it. Why? Because you are a doctor who will get in touch with dozens of patients in a single day, and most Turkish people only speak Turkish, and all the exams you will take are in turkey. Furthermore, you must have a B1 certificate from a Tomer institute to pass the specialization process. Moreover, having good Turkish language skills will gain you the respect of senior doctors in hospitals, and make communication easier in general.
Where to learn the language?

To get the visa, you may have already registered at a Tomer, which is a language institute subordinate to a Turkish university, and this is great and will save you time and effort since you will do the visa and the language at one step.

If you have not done so, you can go to any Tomer in your city. There is one every big university There are 7 levels, every level takes 7 weeks and costs 200-300 dollars, it varies from one Tomer to another. Lastly, getting in touch with Turkish is the most important part of learning the language, and it will boost your learning and save you a lot of time.
We hope this article helps you well! Don’t hesitate to read our next article about EQUIVALENCY PROCESS: