Written By: Dana Mustafa AlKahlout, Reviewed By: Dr. Ibrahim Abu Riash, Edited by: Majed Jaber.
Table of Contents
Money and Germany
Money and Germany, Germany and Money, two interesting terms in one sentence. Let’s figure it out!
In this post we will talk about the expenses you will need before making your own income in Germany and we will also talk about the average doctor salaries there!
First: Expenses

It is better that you find student accommodation or find a hospital that provides accommodation, they are much cheaper. This will cost you 400-600 euro per month.
Daily expenses
You will need around 400-600 euro per month in average, of course this is variable between individuals and their needs.
So overall you will need 500 euro per month for accommodation and daily expenses, this makes around 10K euro in the 9 -12 months you will spend in Germany before your first Job.
Extra expenses you may need
You will need to translate your official documents into German, and this is quite expensive. It costs 20-30 euro in average for each paper!
You may be thinking why not translate it by the help of a friend or even google translator, however it is required by the German law that is translated in their certified institutions.
Second: Salaries

Now to best part, you are finally making your own money after all those blue years that lasted too long that you started to lose hope in ever reaching here, but you made ittttttt.
Ok drama aside.
The average doctor’s salaries are about the same in all hospitals and they are all quite excellent, they range between 65,000-80,000 euro per year.
However, the taxes in Germany is a great deal and may take off about 40% of the salary leaving you will only 2500 euro per month. But let’s admit it this is still good.
This is not the end of the story, your income increases as your medical year or level increases, which means each year of work in your residency increases your income by a great deal.
Something else to mention your income per month also increases significantly if you take 24 hours shifts.
Don’t miss the other articles if you want to study in Germany:
Money and Germany Money and Germany Money and Germany Money and Germany Money and Germany Money and Germany Money and Germany