Scholarship Application Reviewing Program, New  

To help raise acceptance opportunity of the Palestinian applicants when applying to scholarships by reviewing and sending edits and comments regarding their application.

MD Guidance

Scholarship Application Reviewing Program 

Dear all, 
Its MD Guidance’s pleasure to announce the Scholarship Application Reviewing Program which will target the Palestinian  Medical graduates and Students who are applying mainly to master scholarships including but not limited to Chevening, Ireland-Palestine Scholarship, Saad Foundation scholarship and others. The review will be done by highly experienced and professional doctors who are based in US and UK.  

The committee will review the essays/personal statements you are going to submit below. There are optional questions like telling us about yourself, your skills, and your experiences. Answering these questions isn’t obligatory but will help ranking your application. 

MD Guidance’s vision is to provide a clarified path to Palestinian medical students in regards to their medical careers.

Committee members are: 

Dr. Nezam Altorok: Professor‎‏ at ‏‎UToledo Health, Rheumatology consultant, PAMA board member, Ohio, USA.
Dr Waqas Khaliq: Works in Medical director team at two London hospitals, consultant in emergency medicine and intensive care in London, UK.
Dr Yousef AlSabaa: Medical Doctor, MD Guidance Founder, CV $ Personal statement trainer. 
Dr. Hala Joudeh (M.D)

review committee 1 2024

Goal: To help raise acceptance opportunities of Palestinian application when applying to scholarships by reviewing and sending edits and comments regarding their application.

Target:  Palestinian Medical graduates and Students 

Expected time to review: You should expect one week to receive the feedback, it will either be written or voice notes. 

Who will review your application: A committee of 3 members, highly experienced and professional doctors who are based in US and UK.


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