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The International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMs)

The abstract submission for ISCOMS 2023 is open from October 16th 2022 till January 29th 2023.
You can submit your abstract now via this link!
The International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences, also known as ISCOMS, is one of the world’s leading student congresses in (bio)medical sciences. ISCOMS is not just any regular congress, it is a non-profit organisation made up of students that aims to promote student research and the international exchange of it.
Throughout the three day congress, they offer a stimulating venue for student research exchange and give students the opportunity to broaden their social and scientific network. Their scientific program includes different research from students all over the world which are presented in poster, oral or plenary form, all in front of an international and professional audience. Along with these student sessions there will be fascinating keynote lectures and hands-on workshops. Along with a rich scientific program, they also have an elaborate social program, filled with dinners and parties giving a chance for all the participants to get to know and have fun with each other and the ISCOMS organisation.
Why participate?
- Present your research in front of an international and professional audience.
- Get new insights and exchange research with students from all over the world.
- Get to know researchers throughout the program and at our speed-dating workshop and thereby open your door to an international career filled with opportunities.
- Get to know and have fun with the participants and the entire ISCOMS organising committee during our dinner and parties and thereby expand your scientific and social network.
- Learn and get inspired during our prosperous scientific program filled with high-quality student presentations, a Nobel Laureate, and other renowned keynote lecturers, and active workshops.
Abstract Requirements
The most important function of your abstract is to show that you have a valuable contribution to the congress and to lure the audience to your presentation. Abstracts will only be considered for the abstract selection procedure when they are written in English and do not exceed a maximum of 350 words. Unfortunately, we cannot accept case-studies, reviews, and literature studies (except for meta-analysis).
* Note: Preliminary results are allowed in your abstract.
Abstracts should contain the following subheadings:
- Title
2. Introduction
3. Methods
4. Results
5. Conclusion
6. Keywords
There are no strict rules for writing an abstract. However, there are important guidelines that can help you improve your abstract, which can be found below.
Program of the congress
The program of ISCOMS 2023 can be found here.
Registration for non-presenting participants opens the 1st of March 2023.
The venue of the 30th ISCOMS will be the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG).
The UMCG is the only university medical center in the northern part of the Netherlands, and therefore the final point of referral for many patients. Patients go to the UMCG for basic care as well as highly specialised, top clinical and top reference care, such as organ transplantation, complex neurosurgery, neonatology, clinical genetics, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), pediatric oncology, renal dialysis and traumatology. All medical specialties are represented, as well as educational programmes for all medical disciplines.
Fees & Payment
You can find the fees for ISCOMS 2022 and payment methods via this link.
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The International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMs) The International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMs) The International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMs) The International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMs) The International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMs) The International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMs) The International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMs) The International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMs) The International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMs)